Project Description

Duty Drawbacks

Did you know that over $3 billion go unclaimed every year in the USA and Canada? Don’t be part of that statistic!

What Are Duty Drawbacks?

If you export a product that has been previously imported, you may be entitled to receive a refund of the duty (and in some cases taxes and fees) paid when the product was originally imported – this refund is called a Duty Drawback.

However, for various reasons many of these potential drawbacks are overlooked and go unclaimed.

Establish a Long-Term Duty Drawback Strategy

As trade becomes more globalized, more manufacturing is done offshore, and raw materials and components are sourced from outside the country. As a result, companies are paying more import duties, whether they realize it or not.

Through a comprehensive review of your transactions and supporting records, we can help you develop a complete drawback program that includes staff education, future planning, and the establishment of internal procedures to ensure ongoing filing efficiency.

Our comprehensive drawback service program examines all import and export shipments for the maximum allowable drawback recovery.

Every claim is prepared with the attention to detail and personal care that you deserve.

We Can Find Your Maximum Allowable Drawback Recovery

GHY has the expertise and resources needed to help you develop an efficient recovery program to take full advantage of this cost-saving opportunity. Our comprehensive drawback service program examines all import and export shipments for the maximum allowable drawback recovery. Every claim is prepared with the attention to detail and personal care that you deserve.

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